“It has been the aim of the Fund over the years to endeavor to distribute aid in such a manner as to grant the maximum benefit to the greatest number of applicants the Fund considers eligible to receive aid, consistent with the limited income available. The Fund continues to be guided by this fundamental goal.”

About the Fund
The Sid Richardson Memorial Scholarship Fund, incorporated in 1965, provides scholarships for undergraduate and graduate education and for post-secondary vocational training. Eligibility is limited to children and grandchildren of eligible employees and retirees of businesses and organizations previously owned and operated by Sid Richardson and designated successor companies and organizations. Click this link for the list of eligible companies.
The scholarships are merit-based and are awarded on a competitive basis by a scholarship committee after a thorough review of all applications. The scholarships are intended to provide partial funding of a student’s financial needs for his/her post-secondary education. The scholarships cover one academic year, with scholarships for subsequent years available based on the scholarship committee’s review of the academic performance of the student over the previous year.
The Internal Revenue Service requirements limit the number of new scholarships that can be awarded each year to 25% of the number of applications received.

Scholarships Awarded
Since its founding in 1965, the Sid Richardson Memorial Scholarship Fund has provided more than $12,328,650 in scholarships. In recent years, the annual awards have exceeded $900,000. There are no limits to the number of eligible family members who may apply for a scholarship.